Class of 2029 Volunteer Interest

There are many ways to get involved at LHS!

From working a regular shift in the Lancers Landing School Store, to one-time volunteer opportunities for Back-to-School events, Homecoming, Special Olympics or Staff Appreciation, all parents are encouraged to actively engage at LHS and LPO events. 

Visit the LPO website regularly and read the weekly LPO newsletter to stay up-to-date with all that is going on in our school.

Let us know how you would like to get involved and we will get you connected!



The LPO's Mission

Promote the welfare and education of Lafayette High School Students


 Support the School in improving education in cooperation with administrative policy


 Raise funds for programs and materials to enhance education


 Bring about a closer relationship between the home and school that parents and teachers may work cooperatively in the education of our students


 Foster communication, cooperation, support, information and education within the Rockwood School District and LHS, including district and LHS staff, students, parents and the general community


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the LPO!  Please complete this form and someone will follow up with you to connect you to the area that most interest you!
Questions? Email us at
To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
LPO Board Positions

Assist the President with all activities and intend to take on the president's role the following year.
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 1 filled.

The Treasurer(s) shall: - serve for a minimum one-year term - Position of co-treasurers (if any) will divide the responsibilities of the position to - - create a system of checks and balances. Treasurer 1 will handle bookkeeping, bank statements, managing receipts and provide budget and banking updates at meetings. Treasurer 2 will count and deposit cash, write checks (co-signed by a president preferably), and present requests to the board at executive meetings. - Initiate an annual audit of LPO, and all grade-level finances.
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 1 filled.

The Secretary (or Secretaries) shall: - serve a minimum one-year term - prepare copies of the meeting agenda and treasurer’s report and make available at the monthly LPO meeting - record and prepare general and executive meeting minutes within 1 week of all meetings - submit approved meeting minutes to the LPO webmaster within one week of approval, to be posted to the LPO website - oversee the following committees: Bylaws/Standing Rules, Nominating & Election Committee, maintain volunteer handbook.
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 1 filled.

Co-Vice President of Communications
The Vice-President of Communications shall: - be responsible for all outgoing correspondence for the Organization - collect and organize relevant LPO information to share with the LHS parent community through the LPO newsletter, LPO social media, school announcements and school calendar of events - oversee the following committees: Buzz Book, Membership Toolkit (MTK), LPO Social Media, LPO Website
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 1 filled.

Committee Chair Positions

Class of 2029 Co-Director
Class Directors: This position serves as the liaison between the grade-level administration and the LPO . Directors maintain regular communication with grade-level families to keep them updated on class activities through the weekly LPO newsletter, and the grade-level social media accounts. Additionally, Class Directors are responsible for fulfilling the duties of the Class Treasurer and Class Events Chair if those positions are vacant. Time frame - Throughout the school year
Jun 01, 2025 - May 30, 2029
0 out of 3 filled.

Class of 2029 Co-Treasurer
Class Treasurers: The Class Treasurer is responsible for managing the finances for their grade level. Time frame - Throughout the school year
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2029
0 out of 1 filled.

Community Events Chair(s) - Homecoming Judges Hospitality
Homecoming Judges Hospitality Chair: This volunteer role does NOT involve planning homecoming events for the school. Instead, it supports the LPO's participation in homecoming events. Volunteers will be responsible for securing and coordinating judges for the homecoming parade, as well as setting up and taking down the judges' stand in the neighboring subdivision before and after the parade. Additionally, volunteers will assist the administration with any needs related to their participation in the parade. Time frame - Late September/early October
Sep 05, 2025 - Oct 04, 2025
0 out of 2 filled.

Community Events Chair(s) - Volleyball Challenge
Volleyball Challenge Chair: This volunteer role does NOT involve planning the Volleyball Challenge for the school, as this event is organized and executed by the Lafayette High School Administration. Volunteers assist the Vice President of School Community by supporting the administration during the annual Volleyball Challenge. Their responsibilities include purchasing snacks and food to sell at the concession stand during the event. Please note that there is no cooking involved. Time frame – Friday evening in April
Mar 13, 2026 - Apr 11, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

Community Events Chair(s) - Special Olympics
Special Olympics Chair: This volunteer role does NOT involve planning the Special Olympics event for the school. An LHS leadership team of juniors and seniors plan the event with support from our administrators. Schools k-12 from Rockwood and other St. Louis County schools participate. As a volunteer in this LPO role, you will support the LPO's involvement in the Special Olympics by purchasing snacks and food to sell at the concessions stand during the event. Please note that no cooking is required. Additionally, there will be more volunteer opportunities available on the day of the Special Olympics, and the sign-up for those roles will be published in the spring semester. Time frame – April (during the school day)
Apr 19, 2026 - May 22, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

Social Media Chair
Social Media Chair: Volunteer assists the VP of Communications in managing LPO's social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Knowledge of these platforms and Canva is a plus. Time frame - Throughout the school year (and summer as needed)
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

Spirit Wear Chair
Spirit Wear Chair: The Committee Chair position collaborates closely with the LPO Executive Board to develop a strategy for spirit wear sales in both the school store and the online store. Responsibilities include communicating with local vendors to design spirit wear, negotiating pricing, and managing inventory replenishment throughout the school year. The Chair(s) and volunteers will tag and prepare items for sale in the store, maintain the online inventory, and fulfill online orders. Time frame - Throughout the school year
Jun 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

Staff Appreciation: Hospitality Chair
Staff Appreciation Chair (hospitality): This Committee Chair position works closely with the Staff Recognition Chair, the school principal, and the principal’s secretary throughout the school year. The Committee Chair(s) provide donuts for the staff at the beginning of the school year, and plan catered meals for one dinner during the Fall Parent-Teacher Conference, one dinner during the Spring Parent-Teacher Conference, and one end-of-year luncheon. The Committee Chair(s) partner with the LPO Executive Board to set the catered meal menu, as well as coordinate meal delivery or pick-up, and set-up and tear-down with the assistance of additional parent volunteers. They also work within the budget provided by the LPO to provide the catered meals and any supplementary items, such as desserts and drinks. Time frame–Fall and Spring Semester
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

Staff Appreciation: Staff Recognition Chair
Staff Appreciation Chair (staff recognition): This Committee Chair position works closely with the Staff Appreciation, the school principal, and the principal’s secretary throughout the school year. The Committee Chair(s) follow the District’s Special Days Calendar to coordinate regular recognition events for groups of staff members. They operate within a budget provided by the LPO to offer enjoyable snacks, themed treats, and creative signage to honor our wonderful staff. Time frame – Monthly/Bi-monthly throughout the school year
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

Website Chair (LPO website)
Website Committee Chair - Rockwood School District PTO: The Committee Chair(s) collaborate with the Rockwood School District Communications Department to manage the Lancer Parent Organization (LPO) webpages on the Lafayette High School website. These LPO pages should remain general and informative. The main LPO pages must direct visitors to the LPO Membership Toolkit website. It is essential to keep all LPO Board and Committee Chair information updated and accurate. Additionally, all financial documents, meeting minutes, bylaws, and standing rules should be maintained and kept current. Rockwood School District website training is provided. Time frame - Throughout the school year (and summer as needed)
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

School Store Manager Volunteer Opportunities

School Store Manager (Inventory)
Lancer’s Landing Store Managers: Inventory - Responsible for managing store inventory, placing orders, and scheduling volunteers for pick-up and delivery. Time frame – Throughout the school year
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

School Store Manager (Operations)
Lancer’s Landing Store Managers: Operations - Oversees overall operations of the school store and maintains the school store volunteer sign-up. Time frame – Throughout the school year
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 out of 2 filled.

School Store Day Manager Shifts - Mornings


Store Shift Managers: Responsible for overseeing daily shift operations. Shift Managers work the same morning or lunch shift on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis. Shift Managers prepare the store for opening, work during their scheduled shifts, and close the store with the assistance of additional parent volunteers. No prior experience is necessary, and training is provided.

Monday Morning Shift Manager
Monday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 1st Monday of the month
0 signed up.

Monday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 2nd Monday of the month
0 signed up.

Monday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 3rd Monday of the month
0 signed up.

Monday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 4th Monday of the month
0 signed up.

Monday Morning Shift Manager LATE START DAYS
Monday Morning Shift Manager 9:15am-10:15am - LATE START MONDAYS ONLY
0 signed up.

Tuesday Morning Shift Manager
Tuesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 1st Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Tuesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 2nd Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Tuesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 3rd Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Tuesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 4th Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Wednesday Morning Shift Manager
Wednesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 1st Wednesday of the month
0 signed up.

Wednesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 2nd Wednesday of the month
0 signed up.

Wednesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 3rd Wednesday of the month
0 signed up.

Wednesday Morning Shift Manager 7:45am-8:45am - 4th Wednesday of the month
0 signed up.

School Store Day Manager Shifts - Lunch


Store Shift Managers: Responsible for overseeing daily shift operations. Shift Managers work the same morning or lunch shift on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis. Shift Managers prepare the store for opening, work during their scheduled shifts, and close the store with the assistance of additional parent volunteers. No prior experience is necessary, and training is provided.

Tuesday Lunch Shift Manager
Tuesday Lunch Shift Manager 10:30am-12:30pm - 1st Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Tuesday Lunch Shift Manager 10:30am-12:30pm - 2nd Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Tuesday Lunch Shift Manager 10:30am-12:30pm - 3rd Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

Tuesday Lunch Shift Manager 10:30am-12:30pm - 4th Tuesday of the month
0 signed up.

General Volunteer Opportunities

Class of 2029 Volunteer (copy)
A separate volunteer sign up for for the Class of 2029 will be available in August. We will be sure to notify you when it is live. Watch your email for more details.
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 signed up.

School Store Volunteer
A separate volunteer sign up for school shifts will be available in August. We will be sure to notify you when it is live. Watch your email for more details.
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 signed up.

Class of 2029 Volunteer
A separate volunteer sign up for for the Class of 2029 will be available in August. We will be sure to notify you when it is live. Watch your email for more details.
Aug 01, 2025 - May 31, 2026
0 signed up.